Finite difference and local discontinuous Galerkin methods for fourth-order time-fractional partial integro-differential equation: Computational approach for one-dimensional case

Document Type : Research Articles


1 Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, South Mehrabad, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, South MehrAbad, Tehran, Iran.



‎‎Our focus in this paper is on numerically solving fourthorder time-fractional integro-di erential equations with weakly  singular kernels. L1 and quadrature formulas are used to discretize  the temporal and memory terms. For spatial discretization, a highorder local discontinuous Galerkin method is employed. Finally, the numerical optimal convergence rate for the proposed scheme is demonstrated by the use of numerical results.


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