Letter of editor in Chief

It is my great pleasure to launch this inaugural issue of the Caspian journal of mathematical sciences (CJMS)
with intent of providing an international forum for the researchers and scientists of the various
fields of mathematical sciences to publish their scientific contributions and to disseminate their knowledge.
The CJMS  is  the international refereed research journal hosted in Mazandaran University and sponsored by research deputy of Mazandaran University.
The journal covers diverse areas of mathematical sciences. The coverage of the CJMS includes all new findings in all aspects of
mathematical sciences and any closely related fields.

The Editorial Board is very committed to build the Journal as one of the leading international journals in mathematical sciences in next few years.
We have received a good response to the Previous issue of CJMS from scientists and researchers. I am pleased by this response and proud to report that CJMS is achieving its mission of promoting research and applications in mathematical sciences.

I would like to thank all members of the editorial board and the  advisory board members for their continued support to CJMS with their highly valuable advice. I would like also cordially thank the manuscript's providing valuable comments and suggestions to the authors that helped greatly in improving the qualitye of the papers. My sincere appreciation goes to all authors and readers of CJMS for their excellent support and timely contribution to this journal. The editorial board of CJMS and me, are looking forward to receiving your valuable scientific contributions.Your  support and continued contribution would be highly appreciated.

For more information about the CJMS guidelines for preparing and submitting articles, you are invited to the journal site http://cjms.journals.umz.ac.ir/

Edito in chief
Dr Mohsen Alimohammady
Department of mathematics
University of Mazandaran
Babolsar, Iran