Numerical approximation based on Bernouli polynomials for solving second-order hyperbolic telegraph equations

Document Type : Review Article


1 science facaulty, Farhangian University, Mazandarabn, Iran

2 University of Mazandaran

3 University of Guilan

4 Helwan University



In this paper, a practical matrix method is presented for solving a particular type of telegraph
equations. This procedure is based on Bernouli Polynomials. This matrix method with collocation
suited nodes, decreases the supposed equations into system of algebric equations with unknown
Bernouli coefficients. The obtained system is solved and approximate solutions are achieved. The
well-conditioning of problems is also considered. The indicated method creates the well-conditioned
problems. Some numerical problems are comprised to confirm the efficacy and fitting of the suggested method. The presented technique is easy to implement and produces accurate results. The
precision of the method is demonstrated by measuring the errors between exact solutions and approximate solutions for each problem.


Main Subjects